On July 1st 2024 we have launched refreshed MyKalmar customer platform - one stop shop for Kalmar equipment owners.
At the same time we proudly introduce all new MyKalmar STORE (formerly MyParts).
Finding the right part with confidence has never been quicker & easier than here. If you ever wondered how intelligent a webshop can be and what new functionalities our solution can offer, sign up and watch this webinar.
Agenda of the webinar:
1. New Kalmar brand and basic changes
2. MyKalmar: philisophy, purpose, functionalities
3. MyKalmar STORE: changes, functionalities, new features, basic training
4. Why is MyKalmar STORE more than an online spare parts shop: iRecommend & future developments
presented by:
Alina Reinhold - eCommerce Manager, Kalmar
Saara Korppi - eCommerce Customer Experience Specialist, Kalmar
Jakub Czartoryski - Marketing Manager PLS, Kalmar